Ok, I've neglected this blog, I'll fully admit that. So here's a SERIOUS update. He's at an awesome stage in his life where he's learning new things every day. He's constantly learning new words and doing just crazy antics that crack me up all day long. He's my little buddy and helper and always wants to be involved in what I'm doing.
Thanksgiving morning while I was making pies I turned around and saw Noah sitting on a chair.
He was immensely proud of himself
Thanksgiving morning while I was making pies I turned around and saw Noah sitting on a chair.
Playing in the snow with Daddy!
A head band and a suitcase. That's all that is needed to entertain this kid.
Noah LOVES this park. As soon as he see's it coming close he points at it and says "oooooooo!". He climbs right up the slide and goes down without any help.
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